
The anchoring of a crown
The anchoring of a crown

the anchoring of a crown

Sea anchors are often parachute like objects connected to the front of the boat and which slow the drift of a boat. Chain Locker Anchoring Chain is stored in a Chain Locker Come home To drag Drogue or Sea Anchor Are objects used to control a drifting boat. Catting and Fishing was the process of securing the anchor. Cathead A timber which projects from the bow of a vessel and used to support the anchor in traditional vessels. Originally the length of a ship's anchor cable in the days of the large sailboats. Cable, cable length A measure of length which is a tenth of a nautical mile, about 600 feet, or about 100 fathoms.


Breaking out The process of lifting an anchor and breaking it free from the sea bed. Because the anchor is in position and only needs to be dropped, using a bow roller makes it easier to deploy the anchor.

the anchoring of a crown

Bow Roller These are used to secure the anchor at the bow of the boat. Originally bitter end did not mean unhappy end but only the last part of the rode that was attached to the bitt. The Bitter end could be attached to the Bitt. As in "bitter end" Bitter End The opposite end to the anchor, of the anchor rode which is hopefully securely attached to the boat. Anchor, mooring and towing lines can be attached to it. Bitt A solid post on deck either at the stern or bow of a ship. Anchor Crown In a traditional or danforth anchor, the crown is the lowest part of the anchor. Anchoring Mooring a ship to the bottom of a sea or other body of water with an Anchor.

the anchoring of a crown

Anchor and Anchoring has its own Terminology Anchor Light or Riding Light A white light that can be seen all-around and required by maritime law when a boat is at anchor or moored.

The anchoring of a crown